Group meetings in your local village hall Berrow
There are many clubs, societies and user groups who meet on a regular basis at Berrow Village Hall. If your group would like to be featured in this section so that you can keep your members informed and perhaps gain some additional interest, then please don’t hesitate to email using the contact form provided. We cater to groups all across Somerset, including in Berrow itself, Burnham-on-Sea and Brean.
Current groups using our hall include:
Short mat bowls - Stage 2 drama - Piano lessons - Slimming world - Bingo - Berrow Parish Council - Pilates - Smoke free life - Splat messy play - U3A - Conservation group - Lighthouse art group - Berrow Guides - Rhythm fever - Moose International - Berrow Community Association - Caravan club - WI - Good neighbours community hub - Blood donors
Zumba - Crystal Gaia - Beading
And we can host many more!

Stage 2 Drama Group
Stage 2 Drama started out in 2001 and has been going strong ever since! It was founded as a result of an expressed wish by local residents for amateur drama in the community (this was part of a response to a questionnaire distributed throughout the village of Berrow). The group meets, rehearses and performs at Berrow Village Hall and has now been running for twenty years, during which many successful performances have been staged.
Even though our amateur dramatic theatre group is based in Berrow, Burnham-on-Sea, we draw members from all the surrounding district. Join us on stage or behind the scenes - new members are ALWAYS welcome! You don’t have to be from Berrow to join! While the core membership is from Berrow or Burnham-on-Sea, we have people from Bristol and further afield, all of whom have acted with us and enjoyed being part of our friendly group.
Contact our secretary for more information and the latest meeting dates (if there's no response, Adele will phone you back if you call and leave a message).
Berrow Conservation Group
The group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Generally, in the colder months (October to March), we meet in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. These meetings usually take the form of a talk by a local expert on a variety of conservation and wildlife matters.
April to September, weather permitting, we engage in more practical aspects of conservation. These have included village pond clearing and the conversion of a Second World War pill box into a bat sanctuary. Ongoing projects include the monitoring and recording of plant life on the Local Nature Reserve as well as the monitoring and recording of erosion when it comes to the sand dunes.
An all-round favourite meeting is a local nature walk, usually guided, to observe the flora and fauna in and around Berrow – and sometimes further afield!
If you are interested in joining our Group, please email
lesleymillard3@gmail.com for more details.
Berrow Short Mat Bowls Club
Berrow Short Mat Bowls Club is a very friendly and sociable club, playing on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm until 4pm and on Friday evenings from 7pm to 9pm. We welcome new members and have a spare set of bowls for you to try. Contact either Mike on 01278 786351 or Claire on 01278 751421 or pop in during playing times.
Berrow WI
Our WI is a friendly group and we welcome visitors and new members. There is a small charge of £3 for non-members, to include refreshments. We meet on the first Thursday of the month at Berrow Village Hall, 7.30 pm.
President: Cherry Baker (789377)
Joint Secretaries: Carole Williams, Jenny Pascall
Treasurer: Alexa-Claire Legg